« New BOQ Version available under Downloads
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1 LibreOffice suite https://www.libreoffice.org/download 11-Nov-2015
2 Autocad DWF Viewer https://viewer.autodesk.com/ 28-Jan-2019
3 PDF Creator http://www.pdfforge.org/download 07-May-2015
4 PDF Reader http://get.adobe.com/reader 05-May-2014
5 JRE Download http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp 07-May-2015
6 Firefox ESR Browser https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/52.0.2esr/win32/en-US/Firefox Setup 52.0.2esr.exe 09-Jul-2024
7 JRE 8 Download https://eprocure.gov.in/mmp/jre-windows-i586.exe 09-Jul-2024
8 GePNIC-eBrochure https://eprocure.gov.in/cppp/sites/default/files/brochure/GePNIC_Brochure.pdf 09-Jul-2024
9 BoQ Ver 4.0 V4_BOQ_CCP_ItemRate.xls Digital Signature 10-Jul-2024 346.50
V4_BOQ_CCP_ItemWise.xls Digital Signature 10-Jul-2024 273.50
V4_BOQ_CCP_Percentage.xls Digital Signature 10-Jul-2024 286.00
V4_BOQ_CCP_Percentage_NQ.xls Digital Signature 10-Jul-2024 293.00
10 BoQ Ver 3.0 V3_BOQ_ItemWise_Openfor_H1.xls Digital Signature 09-Jul-2024 269.50
V3_BOQ_ItemRate_Template.xls Digital Signature 09-Jul-2024 302.50
V3_B0Q_ItemRate_Template_H1.xls Digital Signature 09-Jul-2024 240.00
V3_BOQ_Percentage_Template.xls Digital Signature 09-Jul-2024 321.50
V3_MultiCurrencyBoQ_Revised.xls Digital Signature 09-Jul-2024 292.50
V3_BOQ_Mixed_Template.xls Digital Signature 09-Jul-2024 307.00
V3_BOQ_ItemWiseGST_HSN_4Decimals.xls Digital Signature 09-Jul-2024 283.00
V3_B0Q_ItemRate_Template_4Decimals.xls Digital Signature 09-Jul-2024 294.50
V3_BOQ_ItemWiseGST_HSN.xls Digital Signature 09-Jul-2024 285.00
V3_BOQ_ItemWise_Template_Formbased.xls Digital Signature 09-Jul-2024 236.00
11 BoQ Ver 3.1 V3.1_BOQ_ItemWise_Template.xls Digital Signature 09-Jul-2024 243.50
12 User Creation Data Sheet UserCreationDataSheet.pdf Digital Signature 12-Nov-2015 49.98
13 Technical Parameter Sheet TPS.xls Digital Signature 18-Feb-2020 89.00
14 Tender Cum Auction Template V3_Tender_Cum_Auction_Template.xls Digital Signature 01-Mar-2016 82.50
15 Tender Creation Data Sheet tender_datasheet.pdf Digital Signature 16-Jun-2015 42.07
16 DSC for Foreign Bidders DSC_For_Foreign_Bidders.pdf Digital Signature 26-May-2021 277.09
17 Corrigendum Creation Data Sheet corrigendum_inputform.pdf Digital Signature 05-May-2014 12.77
18 Milestone Template for Post Tender Milestone.xls Digital Signature 03-Apr-2018 169.50
19 System Malfunction Procedure SystemMalfunctionProcedure.pdf Digital Signature 05-May-2014 70.22
20 Form for DSC Deactivation For Bidders DSC_Deactivation_Format_for_Bidders.pdf Digital Signature 29-Apr-2016 38.15
21 Version Controller Document 1.09.10 Version_Controller_Ver_1.09.10.pdf Digital Signature 10-Feb-2021 521.39
22 Configuration required for Edge Browser Settings_for_Edge_Browser.pdf Digital Signature 08-Jul-2022 548.09
23 Help Documents for ADB Tenders User_Guide_To_Procurement_Of_Goods.pdf Digital Signature 08-Jul-2022 1828.38
ADB_Goods_BoQ.xls Digital Signature 08-Jul-2022 482.00
ADB_BoQ_Goods_Template.pdf Digital Signature 08-Jul-2022 1525.43
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